Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Lombo is the drunken MVP of this video. He also just got out of the hospital like me so this is dedicated to him. Song by Skrillex.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


I just got out of the hospital again. Here's a new video. Song is "Doomsday" by Nero. Thanks to my boy Jerry for the song selection. Enjoy.

Monday, September 12, 2011


Knifeblog is back this week. There was no post last week due to the flood that had taken place in Fairfield. This weeks post is all stuff filmed while I was evacuated from my house. The song is "The Geeks Were Right" by The Faint.

Spoiler Alert: Eric eats worms. Drink up!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

KnifeRadio Installment #1

Due to recent flooding in Fairfield I've been evacuated from my home which means I don't have my editing software and that in turn means no video this week. However myself and Eric Kivet have decided to start recording drunken podcasts to go along with the videoblog. Below is the first installment of KnifeRadio.

Eric & Turner Podcast 1 by Eric & Turner